Kannada movie actor Puneet Rajkumar son of late Kannada actor Rajkumar, was admitted in Vikram Hospital in Bangalore, passed away at 12.43pm with heart attack in Hospital itself.
Early morning (29.10.2021) while workout in gym he complained about uneasiness and heaviness in arm and heart. Soon family members got him admitted.
But after trying hard by doctor’s of Vikram Hospital Bengaluru, Sadly he passed away today noon.
Our team is big fan of him and its really shocking for us too digest.
Puneeth Rajkumar, was well known as Appu, He is an Indian actor, television presenter, playback singer, and has produced many movies. He works primarily in Kannada cinema. He has been a lead actor in 29 films; as a child, he appeared in many films.
Few of his super hit films were Raajakumara, Milana, Arasu, Hudugaru and many more.
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